I`m Reading

Wrong Place Wrong Time

Review date: 10/05/2024
Author: Gillian McAllister
Title: Wrong Place Wrong Time

Good day everybody! Thanks for joining me! First of all, may I say, brava Mizz McAllister! You hooked me with your beautiful prose right from the beginning. No need to categorize this read into the class of books that need a ‘100 page college try’

(When I say ‘100 page college try’ what I mean by this is that unless a book is either terribly written or unbelievable in some way. – Examples can include unrealistic dialogue, plot progression, etc. – I can usually give a book 100 pages to either hook me or forever lose me.)

This book nailed it though!
I won’t go too in detail because the twists just keep coming at you throughout this story. Mizz McAlister successfully combines mystery with intrigue in her layout of events and the order in which they occur and are presented to the reader. I was reminded of the movie Looper, (written and directed by Rian Johnson) in-so-much-as they both delve into the idea of time looping.

So, what had happened was Jen, the main character, witnesses her son murder a man in cold blood. Late at night, in the globe of light cast by a streetlamp just outside their home. She watches in horror as it plays out and rushes outside to do… what? Save this dying stranger? All she could do was look up in wonderment that her baby boy just committed this heinous act.

Is it possible that she could have had such an intense reaction to this event that she disturbed the timeline continuum and created a time loop in which she skips backwards in time? At each of these ‘jumpings’ shall we call it, she is presented with clues. Then she jumps backwards another chunk of time. Each time its as though the backwards loop pauses when she awakens on that day, pushes ‘play’ and she lives out her life, again, within that designated 24 hours…

I can’t wait for y’all to read this and to begin a discussion.

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