Where Stories Come Alive and Conversations Thrive

Good day to all of you, my newfound friends! I’d like to tell you about myself and answer your first and foremost burning question of who’s this chick? And second, why should I give her my precious time? Well? My answer is that first of all I am very well read and very well spoken. May I even go so far as to describe myself as an influencer? Of what you may ask? Of many different things, but within this parameter I would say I’m an influencer of literature and doing good deeds.

My opinion on reading material is taken seriously and has often influenced others to read books and/or authors that I have personally recommended. Books that I feel should be celebrated, I have just never had a platform like the one I’ve created to voice my opinions to the world before. I actually believe that if everyone started reading, we would live in a much different, better, world.

Reading promotes learning which nobody can say they are in no need of. In fact, I’m always learning new fun facts while reading.

My next point is that I have been called a silver-tongued devil in my past. But these days I’m putting forth my efforts into uplifting the community instead of dragging it down. I also believe my blogs will be a large draw to my website, I’m quite entertaining, (and I’m one tough critic). In fact, I’m always giggling at myself.

Another aspect of the brilliance of the website is not only is this my own personal platform but it is designed for others to have one as well. It’s indeed a fun, creative and generally good space to be in. Using one’s creative talents and being able to help others is a heartwarming experience. It truly gives one a nice, warm, fuzzy feeling that can’t be bought. As this picks up popularity it has the potential to give other creative and talented bloggists and authors notoriety, as well. In all honesty this platform could make people famous.

And now, a bit about myself…

I began my would-be career young. Starting with creating what I termed ‘paperback books.’ Books made of stapled together notebook paper, each one boasting incredible and amazing titles of stories I wanted to fill the pages with. Endless titles and endless empty story books, much like the ick on the to-do list, starting the storyline.

Fun/funny/embarrassing fact about myself: one of the first novel names I came up with was, Chopper, Sick Balls! Referencing a phrase from Stand By Me when the junkyard dog was chasing them down for trespassing. I had absolutely no idea at that time what that phrase meant but I knew it had to be bad and or embarrassing the way my brother almost peed himself from laughing so hard. I now know what that means😳

Then I moved along into my teenage years. I was a depressed young adult, and a bit of a loner, I had no idea what the feelings I had really meant. It wasn’t talked about then like it is now. So, I whiled away my time at home with a good book, waiting until I was old enough to escape the little town I grew up in.

So you may know and understand, travel is practically part of my DNA.I was raised the first 3 years of my life in the cab of a semi, in fact a semi truck was the first vehicle I ever drove. I spent a lot of my young life in the sleeper part of that truck with the light on, lost in a book.

In my late teens I became too cool for school and rebelled. One of the things I gave up in order to change my image was reading and writing. It was several more years until I got back into it.

Not to brag but in my many years upon this earth I have completed writing 5 novels. None of them are published, but I loved the process of it. And I’ve been told I can weave quite a story, if I do say so myself. But I also love to read a delicious story. I am incredibly picky though; one wrong sentence and it can be enough for me to put the two cover pages together and cast it into the pile of unfinished books.

My most favorite thing to do is to find a new author to add to my repertoire, and I’d love to be able to share my insights with all of y’all. Please feel free to get involved in the conversation.

Thank you so much! Have a fantastic day!